Masha Ksenzhevskaya



Masha Ksenzhevskaya

Hey! My name is Mariya. I am a beginner artist and designer. I've always been crazy about painting, since my childhood. Creating something very unique and different is my passion. I adore drawing something really colourful and strange. That is the best way for me to cure for boredom.
My favourite artists are Monet and Dali. I like lightness and tenderness of Monet's works. His pictures are very warm and kind for me. As for Dali, I enjoy his madness and the depth of thought in his masterpieces. You can look at these pictures infinitely. They are very impressive and make us think about so many things. In my opinion, seeing them once you'll never forget them.
Painting is a huge world for me. It can tell you about a person, reflect his character, depict his soul. We can show our personality through the painting. As every art, the painting is deathless. It diversifies the world and makes it more attractive to live in.
At the end I'd like to say that I can't imagine my life without being an artist. If I could choose another way I wouldn't change anything. The painting is my life, even bigger.

의 기타 디자인 Masha Ksenzhevskaya

The Firebird

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