Rugvista 디자인 대회!
2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요
Fiore 은 Stefan Topalovic
This design has simple shapes and wide areas filled with color. Its attraction comes from simple curve lines which enable this big areas filled with colors to make a strong impression on the observer. Although filled with four different colors, the design makes them interact so that one can experience them as a whole.
Dizajn cine jednostavni oblici i velike povrsine ispunjene bojom. Njegova privlacnost se ogleda u jednostavnim oblim linijama koje omogucavaju ovim velikim povrsinama ispunjenim bojom da nacine snazan utisak na posmatraca. Iako sadrzi cetiri razlicite boje, dizajn im omogucava medjusobnu interakciju koja ih poveyuje u jednu celinu.
에 대해 Stefan Topalovic
My name is Stefan Topalovic. I am 25 years old. I became interested in abstract art when I first saw late works of Henry Matisse and his work made a strong influence on my art. In most of my artwork, I focus on expressive power of colors and the way they interact among themselves.
Moje ime je Stefan Topalovic. Dolazim iz Srbije i imam 25 godine. Zainteresovao sam se za apstraktnu umetnost kada sam prvi put video poyne radove Anrija Matisa. U vecini mojih radova, fokus je na ekspresivnoj snazi boja i njihovoj medjusobnoj interakciji.