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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Dot is the new line 은 Neja Kaligaro



When creating this pattern I was inspired by Paul Klee’s' thought; »A line is a dot that went for a walk. « I made lines out of dots which gave the pattern and illusion of movement and flicker.As an addition I coloured dots in different colours and the patter itself started forming new patterns which can give the carpet a breath of life.
Pri ustvarjanju tega vzorca me je vodila misel Paula Kleeja – »A line is a dot that went for a walk.«. Linije sem ustvarila iz množice pik. S tem sem vnesla v vzorec iluzijo gibanja in migotanja. Kot dodatek temu, sem pike različno obarvala. Vzorec je tako začel sam tvoriti lastne vzorce in dal preprogi dih življenja.

에 대해 Neja Kaligaro

I have a bachelor's degree in industrial design, soon MA in Fashion & Textiles Design. I'm also certified makeup artist who currently works as a graphic designer. I'm a workaholic and knowledge hoarder. When creating I'm led by curiosity and passion for art and design. I enjoy learning and exploring new areas and love connecting seemingly unrelated ideas, things or processes.
Sem diplomirana industrijska oblikovalka, kmalu magistrica tekstilij in oblačil, certificirana vizažistka ter delam kot grafična oblikovalka. Sem »workaholic« in »knowledge hoarder«. Pri ustvarjanju me vodita radovednost in strast do oblikovanja in umetnosti. Zelo rada odkrivam nova področja in povezujem navidezno nepovezljive stvari, ideje in procese.

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