Rugvista 디자인 대회!

2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

CityCubes 은 Erica Szabo



This design takes cubes loosely resembling city blocks on a map and shows then as dynamic and interacting with each other in different ways, like life in a city.
(English is my native language...)

에 대해 Erica Szabo

Erica Szabo was born in the US but moved to Europe 10 years ago. After spending a few years in Berlin she has returned to where she started out: Barcelona, Spain. As a little girl she sat in the back seat of the family car as her father drove and was fascinated by the iconic shapes on billboards for Coca-Cola, Shell, Chevrolet and RCA Victor that she saw going by. This early fascination lead her to a career in design and illustration, but she has always doodled strange and funny creatures on the side. She is currently creating a comic featuring Olibot, a robot born with birdwings and the universe's Coolest Misfit, and his quirky friends the Botmob, which can be seen at
English is my native language...

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