Rugvista 디자인 대회!

2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Magnificent Dahlia 은 Vrinda Jhajharia



A keen observer and appreciators of nature, I find my inspiration in nature and the tremendous beauty it comprises,such is the magnificence and beauty of the - "Dahlia ." The warm color scheme and the perfect symmetry of the flower is truly awe inspiring and draws each passerby to it, artists being no exception. The design presented here is an abstract reminding of the magnificence of the dahlia and a rug carpeted in its fashion shall truly mesmerise an onlooker and glorify the interiors where it has been placed.

에 대해 Vrinda Jhajharia

I am a student pursuing architecture from The renowned 'Sushant School of Art and Architecture ',here in India. 20 years young . I have a 3 year experience in formal arts and a natural instinct for design and art. Find keen interest in every form of art be it fine arts,music , dance etc.

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