Rugvista 디자인 대회!

2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

costa 은 Alexandra Lugrezi



This particular uncluttered design contains refreshing pastel colors and artistic black strokes which are reminiscent of stained glass windows of old cathedrals. I am most inspired by the authentic landscapes from my native Brittany. This creation allows us to travel to the peaceful waves of the sea without leaving home.
Pour ce design épuré aux couleurs pastels rafraichissantes et aux traits marqués rappelant les vitraux traditionnels, je me suis inspiré des paysages de ma Bretagne natale. Cette création permet de nous transporter au bord d\'une mer paisible tout en restant chez soi.

에 대해 Alexandra Lugrezi

After the conclusion of my studies in the visual arts, I look forward to a more direct approach in communication to unite my passion for art and future creation of a design company in visual communication.
Originally from Brittany (France), my inspiration is a modern nostalgia which is stamped with memories of landscapes that have been etched my childhood memories and inspire my desire to modernise my heritage.

Après des études en Arts Plastiques, j\'ai souhaité me diriger vers une spécialisation en communication pour allier ma passion pour l\'Art et la future création d\'une société de communication visuel.
D\'origine Bretonne (France) mon inspiration est une nostalgie-moderne qui empreinte les paysages qui ont marqué mon enfance et la volonté de moderniser cet héritage.

15% 할인 받기

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