Rugvista 디자인 대회!

2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Just Like God 은 Anamaria Cosma



With this design I tried to reduce all our existence to see what remains when all is gone. I was happy to find that our essence speaks about power and beauty, just like God. So when you think of you just say: I am strong and beautiful. :)
Cu acest design am incercat sa reduc toata existenta noastra pentru a vedea ce ramane atunci cand totul dispare. Am fost fericita sa aflu ca esenta noastra vorbeste despre putere si frumusete, la fel ca si Dumnezeu. Deci, cand te gandesti la tine spune doar atat: Sunt puternic si frumos. :)

에 대해 Anamaria Cosma

My name is Anamaria Cosma, I work as a graphic designer in advertising for the last 10 years. I live in Romania and I\'m a freelancer. During this 10 years I’ve gained knowledge and experience working with various clients learning how to develop good ideas. I work independently and in general I like to make experiments to acquire new techniques and new ideas. Three years ago I’ve started to work with clay - ceramic paste beads, crafted and hand painted. In this time my experiments have developed a small home business that goes hand in hand with design activity.
I believe design is about making things better and wonderful for the people who use and encounter them.
Numele meu este Anamaria Cosma, lucrez ca si designer in publicitate de 10 ani. Traiesc in Romania si sunt freelancer. In acesti 10 ani am acumulat cunostinte si experienta de lucru cu diversi clienti invatand sa dezvolt idei bune. Lucrez independent si in general imi place sa fac experimente pentru a dobandi tehnici si idei noi. Cu trei ani in urma am inceput sa lucrez cu lut - margele din pasta ceramica, lucrate si pictate manual. In acest timp experimentele au dezvoltat o afacere mica, care merge mana in mana cu activitatea de design.
Cred ca designul este legat de a face lucrurile mai bune si minunate pentru oamenii care le folosesc si le intalnesc.

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