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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

For my Children 은 Martina Listová

체코 공화국

체코 공화국

This is a carpet, which the artist would like to have in her children's room - it is simple, clear, but not cold. She used element pictures that little children usually draw - a car, a flower, a sun. The children may have the feeling that is it "their" carpet, that it is a carpet they would to draw themselves. An important aspect for the artist were the colours. She was looking for colours suitable for girls as well as boys.
Toto je koberec, který bych chtěla mít v pokoji mých dětí - jednoduchý, graficky čistý, ale ne studený. Použila jsem obrázky, které moje děti většinou kreslí - auto, kytku, slunce. Mohou tak mít pocit, že je to \"jejich\" koberec, že by si ho tak nakreslily samy. Důležité pro mě byly barvy. Hledala jsem barvy, které by se hodily jak pro kluky, tak pro holky.

에 대해 Martina Listová

Martina Listová is a 33 years old graphic designer and she also considers her job as her hobby. During the past few yeas she has been at home with her children, but she looks forward to continuing with her work as a graphic designer. She finds her inspiration mostly from nature and children's drawings and loves colours and typography.
Jmenuji se Martina Listová. Je mi 33 let. Má práce je moje hobby - jsem grafička. Posledních pár let jsem doma s dětmi, což je skvělé. V každém případě se ale těším, až budu pokračovat ve své práci. Inspiraci pro ni nacházím většinou v přírodě a dětských kresbách. Miluji barvy a typografii.

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