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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

South town 은 Catalina Somolinos alonso



Mediterranean town. Charming Chaos.
Ciudad mediterránea. Caos con encanto.

에 대해 Catalina Somolinos alonso

Catalina is a freelance drawer from Asturias, Spain, and has been living in Berlin since 2009.
In Barcelona she achieved a Bachelor in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). She also attended post-degree workshops in Landscape architecture, and some workshops of Illustration in Spain and France. Nature and Landscapes are her preferred subject to draw. Her design is inspired from the structure and essence from south European towns. The charming chaos which generate exciting spaces and the warm colours that fill the air.
Soy Catalina, una dibujante de Asturias (españa) viviendo en Berlin desde Julio 2009.
Me licencié en Arquitectura en Barcelona, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Desde entonces he cursado varios talleres de Paisajismo e ilustración en España y Francia.
Mi tema favorito es la naturaleza y los paisajes.
Este diseño está inspirado en la estructura y esencia de las ciudades sudeuropeas. El caos charmante y la calidez de tonos que llenan la atmósfera.

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