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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

The City 은 Aidan Liggins



This design was inspired by a trip to New York, in which I fell in love with the tall skyscrapers and the repetition of the windows. After returning, I created this design thinking back to the shapes and sizes of the city, incorporating colour to bring the design to life.

에 대해 Aidan Liggins

Aidan Liggins is a final year student, studying Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design at Leeds College of Art. She has a passion for colour and believes that it is her most important design tool. She is a multi-media designer, who strives to work with new materials and learn new techniques whenever she can. In the past she has worked with ceramics, screen printing, lino printing, digital design, 3D manipulation, dying and laser cut. After she graduates she is looking forward to entering the professional design world and the new challenges it will bring.

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