Chinese year of the Horse

China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and also has a long and rich history of carpet making. Many carpet making regions in ancient China developed their own unique styles and today China carpets can be found in a wide range of different colour combinations featuring both floral and geometric motifs. Many people perhaps best associate these carpets with their relief cut pile that give them a 3 dimensional appearance. 

Chinese New Year 4712

Today marks the beginning of the Chinese New year: the year of the wooden horse. 
The wooden horse represents "fire energy" and could serve as the perfect opportunity for everyone, horses and others alike, to renew their homes and start the year 4712 with good positive energy! A handknotted China carpet is a price worthy and convenient way of bringing together the decor of almost any home.

The color red can be seen everywhere during the festivities. Red symbolizes fire which according to belief helps keep away bad luck and even if the festive season only lasts for 15 days, an investment in a pure red colored carpet could be the perfect addition to your home. 
Although you might not be able to offer a horse to your beloved ones we have a few suitable carpets for the occasion!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Top picture: China antique finish carpets 
1 CarpetVista Tabriz figural carpet 
2 & 3 ArtGlassVista Mats Jonasson and Kosta Boda

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