Art Déco - Colorful Antiques

Art Déco originated in France after World War I as a reaction against contemporary industrial and practical ideals. 

The style is characterized by geometry, color, and a mixture of modern and classical. The furniture was meant to not only be practical, but also esthetically pleasing and emphasize the individual while still remaining decorative. Much of the inspiration was taken from the Orient, ancient Greece and Egypt.

The times following the First World War brought a great interest in new art and design influences, which contributed to the spread of Art Déco and its popularity. 

East meets West
When China joined forces with the Allies the trade of Chinese carpets to Europe and North America began to flourish. The Chinese carpet designers also became inspired by the European contemporary designs and the strong new palette of colors the came in contact with. 

Chinese carpets became highly popular and therefore more and more sought during the 1920s. The carpets fit perfectly in the Art Déco style with it's Oriental motifs and the bright colors coming from the West. 

The carpets' strong colors, high level of quality and the fact that there was only a limited production make the a sought after commodity today. You can have a look at some of these beautiful pieces in our new collection  of antique Chinese Art Déco carpets from the 1920s.

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